I made it!
Här är korten jag skickade in till finalen

I am happy to announce that I am now part of the Heartfelt Creations Design Team. I am really excited about it and I can't wait to start making cards and other things. My first package is on the way and will be arriving shortly. Wii!
Above you can see the cards I made for the final.
Here is the announcement from the Heartfelt Creations Blog
Thank you to each one of the talented semi-finalists. We would like to extend a warm welcome to 10 new design team finalists that will be joining the Heartfelt Creations design team for the next 6 months: Sarah Miller, Alissa Wells, Erika Selander, Emily Neihaus, Kathleen Rooney, Rachel Dluhy, Cynthia Llorens Renaud, Giovana Smith, Karin Zander, and Marisa Job.
Hej Erika! Tack! Å STORT grattis till Dig också! Sååå spännande och fantastiskt roligt! :)
Kul att vi blev två från Sverige! <3
Vilka underbara bilder också från gården!
Stor kram från Karin.
GRATTIS Erika! Det var du verkligen värd!!!!
Himlars vad roligt! Grattis :-)
sv: Ja, hon är så duktig! :)
Hej allt bra? :)
Congratulations! I look forward to working with you on this fabulous team. :)
Congratulations! Glad to have you join the team - I'm looking forward to seeing all your beautiful creations.
Beautiful card!!! Looking forward to knowing you more!!
Haft en bra dag?
Congratulations! Looking forward to working with you! Hugs!
Welcome to the HC Design Team! I am sure you will love it!
Congrats! I'm looking forward to working with you!
ROOOOOLIGT=) Du ser, man har ju känn på vem är i topp=)